
Tyler Keevil

Tyler Keevil grew up in Vancouver, Canada, and in his mid-twenties moved to Wales, where he now lives. His short fiction has appeared in a wide range of magazines and anthologies and has also won several awards, most notably the Writers' Trust of Canada Journey Prize, for 'Sealskin' from his acclaimed collection Burrard Inlet (Parthian). His first two novels, Fireball (Parthian) and The Drive (Myriad), were both nominated for the Wales Book of the Year and both received the Wales Book of the Year People's Prize. He has worked as a tree planter and ice barge deckhand, as well as in factories, restaurants, video stores, and shipyards; he currently lectures in Creative Writing at the University of Gloucestershire. No Good Brother, was published by Borough Press in 2018 and was shortlisted for the inaugural Wilber Smith Adventure Writing Prize.  His latest book, Your Still Beating Heart, was published by Myriad in 2020, and has been translated in multiple languages.

'A great, gripping story, ferociously well-written, with characters that live and breathe' Stef Penney, author of Under a Pole Star

‘I was blown away. Beautiful writing…stunning.’ Miriam Toews, author of All My Puny Sorrows

