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Virginia Mendez

Virginia is a children’s author, public speaker and co-founder of The Feminist Shop – a brand educating on gender equality through content and recommendations that also sells feminist books and ethically produced clothing and gifts.

She has degree in Law, a degree in Business and a Masters in leadership and accountancy but after 8 years in the corporate world she shifted her career to pursue her passion of challenging kids and adults to unlearn constrictive stereotypes.

She has delivered workshops in schools inviting kids to critically think and challenge gender stereotypes, spoke for the Human Rights Festival and writes weekly relevant content about feminism with an inclusive and thought-provoking view.

Her book Mika & Lolo is translated in 5 languages and she has been recognised as one of the145 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2020 by Diverse In Globaland and it is in the Top 100 UK #iAlso f:Entrepreneur of 2020. She is passionate and very optimistic about the great things happening in terms of diversity and inclusion. She is currently writing a book on challenging stereotypes, to be published by John Murray Press.

She is Spanish living in rainy Belfast. She loves a good conversation with good food, wine and company. About feminism, of course.